Monday, September 22, 2008

"brief" summary for the season so far..

Monday night @ oakland...
The first game of the season ahh how wonderful... specially with that blowout win against the raiders wich everyone said before the season started that they had a great defence but guess what we blew them out!!! but anyway I don't think their defence is this bad it's just our offence is working on all cilinders right now even without brandon marshall..

Eddie Royal just killed Deangelo Hall He has a great future ahead of him but i don´t think he will do anything near what he did this game unless brandon marshall gets injured or suspended...

my opinion on the raiders for this game is that they obviously had a bad game on defense but they are not this bad they will improve as the season goes on but we didn´t win the game just because they had a bad defense but because our offence is really strong everyone said we won because the raiders are a horrible team...

Week 2: San Diego @ Denver

Ohh man was this a game definitly a nail biter.. we for the second game in a row scored a million points but again our defense allowed 999,999 points it was a good game overall but philip rivers just killed our defense we did a great job of stopping the run allowing just 80 yards against them.. LT just ran for 26 yard in 10 attempts of course that had a lot to do with his injury and the fact that they had no need to run but we still did a good job of stopping the run and sproles had a good game because we weren´t expecting the run specially from him... the kick return for a tuchdown was really key in turning the momentum around and so that side of the special teams we still need to work on this year.......

my thoughts on the Broncos in 2008:

For the 2008 Nfl Season I gotta admit I had high expectations for the Denver Broncos (have in mind my expectations for them are high every single year) so taking that into consideration this year was problably one of my lowest coming after yet another disappointing season last year with Head coach Mike Sahannaham who I was starting to doubt....

This year I thought it was all gonna be the same or worst.. we looked almos the same as last year if not worst, the chargers looked unstoppable on paper just like last year, and we had a tougher schedule this year going against the AFC East and NFC south... It all looked like another horrible year for us...

Now I'm thinking differently, It all started with jay cutler finding out he had diabetis, this was the reason he was prforming so poorly at the end of the season and it gave me hopes of him improving his gameplay.. I thought we still had a good team and we had a chance to go 9-7 and get a berth in the playoff with a wildcard ticket.... untill the season actually started.. now my spectation are even higher than ever before!!!!..

My Beloved Denver Broncos Blog...

Hello first of all I'm Going to introduce myself.. my name is jesus marquez and I'm a hardcore broncos fan. Im from Venezuela where almost no one watches or even understands anything from the NFL.. well in fact english is not even venezuelas' first language but some people (like myself) do in fact learn how to speak english and enjoy learning about different cultures.. well my english might not be perfect but I can assure you that I'm on top of the list when it comes to anyone else that I know hahaha..

Enough of that now on with what I'm really here to do... mostly I'm gonna write about my favorite team (the denver broncos) keep in mind that I am a hardcore fan so I might not be as objective as you might want me to be but of course I'm expecting most of the people reading this are just as hardcore as me..

I will also be writing about the NFL in general and lets not forget I'm a Venezuelan and you can't be venezuelan without loving just about every single venezuelan player in the MLB so I will be posting a little bit of that also.. So check in frequently to find out just about anything that I find interesting about sports in general specially the NFL and my beloved Denver Broncos...